The Social Media Toolkit

Natural health content you can use

The Social Media Toolkit

Every October, our thoughts turn toward cozy sweaters and all things pumpkin (pies, lattes, muffins …). But are your social channels keeping up with the change in seasons? Join us in sharing the coolest health research and most warming recipes from alive magazine. It’s your content—just use it.

3 social media tactics for October

  • Post pumpkin-related content: cats dressed as pumpkins, (naturally sweetened) pumpkin spice lattes, families frolicking in pumpkin patches. Pumpkin has proven to be one of the most popular social media buzzwords for fall.
  • Share soup recipes. In a 2015 survey of alive magazine readers, this was the most requested recipe type, with 79 percent of respondents asking for more soup recipes.
  • Host a Halloween-related contest through Instagram or Pinterest. Halloween is big business, with Canadian consumers expected to spend $1 billion or more.

Why share alive’s content?

thrive provides monthly post suggestions that take the guesswork out of social. These posts then drive readers to your stores by inspiring healthier lifestyles.

Engage with us

Follow or like us, and we’ll return the favour.

Suggested tweets

Click the links below to paste these tweets into your Twitter feed (and don’t forget the images). We’ll often retweet you, displaying your brand to alive’s 10,000+ followers.

Suggested images

We encourage you to use these images when sharing alive articles on Twitter. Tweets with images generate two times more likes and retweets than those without images. Just click on an image to open it in a new tab, and download it from there.

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Suggested Facebook posts

To share these alive articles on Facebook, paste the article URL (below) into your page’s status update box. Once the link preview appears, delete the URL and add a caption like the ones we’ve prepped for you.