Goodbye, likes. Hello, IGTV. Instagram updates are so common that most of us can’t keep track of every new feature. So what changed in 2019?
Social media tip
Here are the year’s biggest Instagram updates that marketers should know about.
Why share alive’s content?
thrive provides monthly post suggestions that take the guesswork out of social. These posts then drive readers to your stores by inspiring healthier lifestyles.
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Suggested tweets and images
Simply click the links below to paste these tweets into your Twitter feed. We’ll often retweet you, displaying your brand to alive’s 14,000+ followers.
- Yes, you really can start meditating (for real this time): https://www.alive.com/lifestyle/meditation-for-beginners/
- Here’s the right time to take your cold and flu supplements: https://www.alive.com/health/the-3-stage-fight/
- How to stop nodding off at your desk: https://www.alive.com/health/this-is-your-brain-on-no-sleep/
- Find the right yoga style for you: https://www.alive.com/lifestyle/what-style-of-yoga-is-right-for-you/
- Because nothing beats a big bowl of soup: https://www.alive.com/food/meatless-monday-10-vegetarian-soups/
Suggested Facebook posts
To share these alive articles on Facebook, paste the article URL (below) into your page’s status update box. Once the link preview appears, delete the URL and add a caption like the ones we’ve prepped for you.
- Commit to just 5 minutes a day. https://www.alive.com/lifestyle/meditation-for-beginners/
- Are you taking echinacea at the right time? https://www.alive.com/health/the-3-stage-fight/
- No sleep? Big problem. https://www.alive.com/health/this-is-your-brain-on-no-sleep/
- Choose your own yoga adventure. https://www.alive.com/lifestyle/what-style-of-yoga-is-right-for-you/
- Get warmth, plus ALL the veggies. https://www.alive.com/food/meatless-monday-10-vegetarian-soups/