The Social Media Toolkit

Natural health content you can use

The Social Media Toolkit

In April, our social channels overflow with photos of flowers, fresh vegetables, and outdoor workouts. Join us in sharing the latest health news and delicious recipes from alive magazine. It’s your content … just use it!

Why engage on social media?

Don’t make your romance with social media a spring fling.
Here are three reasons to increase your business’s social media presence ASAP.

  • Better brand awareness:

    • 78% of small businesses attract new customers through social media.
  • Increased sales:

    • 74% of shoppers use social media to help them make purchasing decisions.
  • Improved brand loyalty:

    • 64% of Twitter users are more likely to buy products from brands they follow online.

Why share alive’s content?

According to a recent report by Retail TouchPoints, lack of internal expertise prevents up to 33% of retailers from using social media. That’s why thrive now provides monthly post suggestions that take the guesswork out of social.

Whenever possible, these posts drive readers to natural health retailers by inspiring healthier, more holistic lifestyles.

Engage with us

Follow or like us on these social channels, and we’ll return the favour.
Together, we can grow our online community of passionate natural health advocates.

Suggested tweets


This is how your tweet might look.

Share these fresh spring tweets on your Twitter page throughout the month.
We’ll often retweet you, displaying your brand to alive’s 10,000+ followers.
Just cut and paste these messages into your Twitter feed (and don’t forget the images below).

Just getting started on Twitter?

Find your online voice with Twitter’s “Four Tips for Small Retailers on Twitter.”

Suggested images

We encourage you to use these images when sharing alive articles on Twitter.
Tweets with images generate two times more likes and retweets than those without images.
Click on images (opens in new tab) to download.






Suggested Facebook posts


This is how your Facebook post might look.

To share these alive articles on Facebook, paste the article URL (below) into your page’s status update box. Once the link preview appears, just delete the URL and add a caption like the ones we’ve prepared for you below.

It’s time for you to leverage alive’s high-quality images and content to drive consumers to your page … and ultimately, your store!

Just getting started on Facebook?

Implement HubSpot’s “19 Essential Tips for an Engaging Facebook Business Page,” and you’ll be a pro in no time.

Watch your inbox for each month’s new edition of thrive where you’ll find a whole new crop of natural content to share!