Company Profile: Boiron

Discover the benefits of homeopathy

Company Profile: Boiron

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Boiron is a homeopathic pharmaceutical company, producing and distributing its medicines in 59 countries around the world. The company’s heart and soul lies in Lyon, France, where it was founded in 1932 by twin brothers Jean and Henri Boiron. Today, Jean’s sons Thierry and Christian are board president and executive director, respectively, and daughter Michèle sits on the board of directors.

Choosing homeopathy

Boiron is still a family-run business, because, as Michèle says in her lilting French accent, “We love independence, and we love to make our own choices.”

Choice is a word that comes up often when you talk to Michèle about homeopathy. After 32 years as an independent pharmacist in France, Michèle has seen how homeopathic solutions work time and time again. She encouraged homeopathy as an option or accompaniment to allopathic medicines. Little by little, she saw her pharmacy practice grow to 50 percent homeopathic and 50 percent allopathic prescriptions in just a few years.

In Europe, homeopathy is a widely accepted therapeutic way of treating common illnesses, such as allergies, muscle and joint pain, swelling, and bruising. Homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular in North America.

“For me, homeopathy is curing people in a soft way,” says Michèle. “It is not to be taken alone but as part of a whole treatment plan. Homeopathy is different because of the preparation and diligence of making the remedies and the way they’re less likely to cause side effects.”

Helping holistically

One of the advantages of homeopathic medicines is that they can be taken alongside allopathic medicines and treatments.

“We can help people bear the side effects of chemotherapy from the first to the last day,” says Michèle. “That’s marvelous for me, when I see a young woman with breast cancer, and she doesn’t have any nausea and the pain is very low. Homeopathy is like supportive care for cancer treatment symptoms.”

Michèle has seen firsthand how Boiron’s products can effectively treat the nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and cold sweats commonly associated with chemotherapy treatments.

Promising purity

Boiron uses fresh plants grown in their natural environment from all over the world for its homeopathic products. They contain no chemicals and are rigorously tested for purity and efficacy. Boiron products come in pellet, drop, and cream forms in formulations or single medicine doses.

Perhaps Boiron’s best-known medicines are for flu, cold, and cough symptoms. Other Boiron medicines help relieve sneezing, congestion, and sore throats and are ideal to have on hand at the first sign of seasonal cold symptoms.

Its extensive line of children’s homeopathic medicines for kids under six includes therapeutics for treating colic, teething, and colds and nasal congestion. Arnica-based products treat muscle and joint pain and ease the bruising and swelling associated with injury.

“To say that homeopathy is not efficient is impossible,” says Michèle. “There are many studies, clinical and otherwise, that show the effectiveness of homeopathy, and I have seen firsthand how many times it’s worked. You just have to try it and see for yourself!”