In October, we’re … preserving—our harvest, our memory, our mobility, and even our old buildings!
We welcome preserving experts Joel and Dana Harrison, authors of Batch: Over 200 Recipes, Tips, and Techniques for a Well Preserved Kitchen. They’ll be helping us preserve our roots—by sharing some of their family preserving secrets and inspiring us with accessible recipes we can all try.
Not only are we preserving our gardens’ bounty, but we’re also preserving our food budget, with 9 tips to save on food, and centuries of indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants, with Coast Salish plant educator Cease Wyss. We also look at ways to preserve our memory, concentration, and mobility as well as our aging skin.
With writer Amy Mair, we learn about how to preserve old buildings—adaptive reuse is a stylish, eco-friendly reboot for urban spaces.
And in the alive kitchen, we’re preserving our harvest with Allison Day’s tips and tricks for storing autumn fruits and vegetables—along with delectable recipes for your harvest bounty, while Matthew Kadey preserves flavours in stocks—and shares some recipes that put them to soup-erb use.
Preserving our memories
What would you do to protect your ability to remember what and who you care about? Would you be willing to invest a little every day to keep your body and mind healthy for your retirement years? Find out how with this compendium of diet, exercise, and supplementation tips.
Brew your own kombucha
A delicious and energizing fermented tea with a tangy, sweet flavour and a touch of effervescence, kombucha is made with a starter culture called a SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast), giving us a tonic loaded with health benefits.
Age-defying athletes
These fitness enthusiasts in their 40s to 70s show that age isn’t just a number—it’s also an asset. They’re motivated like never before to stay at the top of their exercise game. We interview four amazing athletes who share their inspiration.
Transformative food preservation
Practised for millennia, fermentation was originally a way to preserve food. New flavours and textures kept people coming back for more. This article takes a look inside the fermentation crock and discovers the unique health benefits of fermented foods.
We bring you all this—and much more—in the October issue of alive.