Coming soon in … alive: June 2018

Coming soon in … <em>alive</em>: June 2018

This one’s for the boys! We focused on women’s health in May, so it’s only fair that we tackle men’s side of things in June. We’re exploring everything from testosterone 101 to natural grooming rules for guys. Here’s a sneak peek at some of our favourite upcoming articles.

Rowing through melting sea ice

“If one could make it across the Northwest [Passage] in a single season, in a rowboat, it would scream to the profound effects climate change is having on the Arctic,” writes Kevin Vallely in the opening pages of his new book, Rowing the Northwest Passage: Adventure, Fear and Awe in a Rising Sea. Meet the daring oarsman.

Men’s health fixer-upper

He’s not invincible, but we’ll help him get pretty close to feeling that way. We share natural tips that’ll help him slash his risks of the seven most common health risks that will challenge most Canadian guys at least once in their lives.

In the thick of hair loss

Losing your hair? You’re in good company: hair loss affects up to half of all men and women. Tackle hair loss head on by understanding causes, treatments, and fun (yes, fun!) solutions to balding.

Our best beer-infused recipes

This summer, check out the many delicious craft beers on offer. Not only are local restaurateurs embracing these flavourful new brews, but chefs are also imbuing their culinary creations with them. Why not try it yourself?

We bring you all this—and much more—in the June issue of alive.