Coming Soon in … alive: July 2018

Coming Soon in … <em>alive</em>: July 2018

This month, alive sheds light on the many ways you can be good to your brain. We’re revealing more about the mind-blowing connection between gut health and brain health (probiotics = a no-brainer). Plus, we share some epic summer recipes made with serious brain foods. Here’s a sneak peek at some of our favourite upcoming articles.

Trust your gut

Scientists are discovering the truth behind the phrase “Think with your gut.” Your gut, and the bacteria that live in it, shape your thoughts and mood. Startling research shows the implications this has on Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and general mental health.

A feast in yellow

From turmeric-laced barley to yellow beet salsa and grilled pineapple, these delectable golden recipes have one thing in common—they all contain stellar food for thought. Brighten up your summertime plates with these sure-fire winners.

An effortless menopause

Every woman experiences menopause. Symptoms related to this life transition can pose challenges. Find out more about the menopausal transition and the other important body systems at play, such as the thyroid and adrenals.

Berry savoury recipes

Sun-kissed summer berries are ideal for desserts, but their sweet, tangy juiciness can also add flair to savoury dishes. Use these berry good savoury recipes in your menu from morning to night to celebrate the arrival of the jewels of summer.

We bring you all this—and much more—in the July issue of alive.