Coming soon in … alive: February 2019

Coming soon in … <em>alive</em>: February 2019

In February, we’re all heart! Everything we cover—recipes, workouts, lifestyle tips, and inspiring stories—has readers’ hearts top of mind.

When it comes to blood pressure, the numbers 120 over 80 are the golden standard, and if readers are on top of their cardiovascular health, they’ll likely know those numbers off by heart. But that’s just one measure of overall heart health. To help readers take better care of this vital organ, we take a deeper look into the numbers and stats that everyone should know.

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, we also help readers find the perfect bouquet (think organic flowers) and serve up some beautiful red-themed recipes to make and share with that special someone.

But there’s more! As a special—sweet—treat, we invite readers to join Ryan Benn, our Publisher, and Scott Yavis, our Senior Designer and photographer, on their journey to Quebec where they get their hands sticky in pursuit of authentic Canadian maple syrup. From farm to table, readers can share Ryan and Scott’s experience and nab some delicious maple syrup-infused recipes.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the hearty articles coming up in the February issue of alive.

Couples who work out together, stay together

Couples’ workouts—can they save your relationship? Maybe. Can they save your life? Definitely! Working out with a partner (and not just beside them) can not only improve your heart health, but it can also enhance your mental and physical connection.

Heart health by the numbers

Before James Young’s heart failed, he was completely unaware that he’d developed all the major risk factors for heart disease. And nine out of 10 Canadians have at least one of these risk factors. Hear from Young’s own experience how bad numbers can be turned into very good ones and what to watch out for if you want a healthy heart.

Breakfast in bed is a real thing

Spoil your Valentine with a breakfast in bed that is rich in heart-loving ingredients. A homemade French pastry, a savoury Dutch baby pancake, roasted pepper-topped yogurt, blushing pink beverage, and spiced citrus salad combine for a dreamy daybreaking feast.

Red spread

It’s February, so it only makes sense that the colour red should be on your mind. With these red-themed recipes, you’ll be able to keep your heart beating strong and show that love is in the air.


We bring you all this—and much more—in the February issue of alive.