Coming soon in … alive: February 2018

Coming soon in … <em>alive</em>: February 2018

In February, we explore matters of the heart. We’re taking a closer look at all things heart health, from supportive supplements to pervasive myths. And we’re sharing some romantic recipes that just might make your heart skip a beat. Here are a few highlights from the upcoming issue.

‘How I reclaimed my health’

It’s easy to roll your eyes when you’re told, “You can do anything!” But from an 11-year-old walking across America to a woman who lost 100 pounds, these individuals did exactly that after staring a heart disease scare in the face.

8 myths about heart disease

Heart health is pretty straightforward, right? Maybe not. Small misconceptions can have big impacts on our cardiovascular systems, putting us at risk of heart disease. We’re sharing some of the common myths even healthy people believe.

Ravishing red beverages

No holiday is complete without a signature beverage, and what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with one that’s ruby-red? Everyone will love these sparkling, savoury, and sweet sips—they’re tasty and heart healthy.

The health benefits of CoQ10

When you think of heart health, do you think of CoQ10? This ubiquitously healthy super-antioxidant plays an important role in our overall health—but particularly in matters of the heart.

We bring you all this—and much more—in the February issue of alive.