Coming soon in … alive: January 2020

Coming soon in … <em>alive</em>: January 2020

Many of us are ready for change when January arrives. It just feels right. The holidays are over, a new year is beginning, and personal challenge often seems appropriate. However, if we’re not realistic about the challenges we take on, we run the risk of disappointing ourselves and spoiling our best efforts to affect positive change in our lives.

The January issue of alive is inspired by all the ways we can create positive change for ourselves both in our behaviours and in our attitudes. We want readers to feel good about who they are right now while getting excited about what lies ahead. So, whether that means eating a little healthier or learning new ways to conquer fears and overcome obstacles, we’re here to help.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the articles coming up in the January issue of alive.

Get well, not high

The Canadian Health Food Association tells us why natural health industry experts want to make cannabidiol—a potentially helpful component for conditions such as pain, inflammation, stress, anxiety, nausea, and sleep problems—more widely available to the public by revising current regulatory restrictions.

Apple cider vinegar for digestion

Despite its recent hype, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is no new kid on the block. ACV has gained widespread popularity for its numerous health benefits, yet many are still confused about how best to use it. Among the numerous benefits this pantry staple provides, it’s been widely touted as an ally in supporting digestion.

Balancing Ayurvedic dinners

The balancing principles of Ayurveda translate into warming, easy-to-digest vegan meals that offer bold flavour, valuable nutrition, and widespread appeal. Loaded with spices and good-for-you ingredients, these meals turn up the heat to extinguish stagnant winter vibes.

2020 pantry essentials

Are you finding your pantry a bit paltry? Is your collection of staples marginal? A well-stocked pantry can be your best friend and inspiration during the cold winter months. Check out our Pantry 2020 list—and try out our delicious recipes that make the most of what’s on hand.

We bring you all this—and much more—in the January issue of alive.